Cards Per Pack: 6
Packs Per Box: 20
Total Cards Expected: 120
Total Cards Received: 120
Total Base Set (W/O SP Cards): 100
Total Base Set Completion (W/O SP Cards): 100%
Total Base Set (W/ SP Cards): 110
Total Base Set Completion (W/ SP Cards): 91%
Base Set Parallels: 2 Gold(Devon, Gail Kim) #/50
Duplicates: 13 cards
Inserts: 4
Gold Autograph: Garrett Bischoff #/99
Green Autograph: Hernandez #/50
Blue 6 Person Autograph: Gail Kim, Tara, Mickie James, Velvet Sky, Miss Tessmacher, and Madison Rayne. #/25
Gold Single Memorabilia Card: Chavo Guerrero Jr. #/50
Our Thoughts:
Design: Simplistic and effective for the Base Set. The name is written over fire at the bottom of the card. Right above is the card set name. In the upper corners of the card are the TNA and Tri-Star logos. The rest of the card is for the person or moment being talked about. Even the subsets of the Base set like Live Events which talk about a certain match that the person had or reality TV which talks about what TV shows the performers like just have a graphic near the bottom of the card and do not take away much of the good design.
The autographs are all stickered. It would have been nice to have them on-card. I don't understand how difficult it would be for Tri-Star to go to a TV taping or two and have the performers do autographs on the cards themselves. I do like the fact that all autographs are numbered 99 or less. I also like the fact that Tri-Star went big with the autographs for this set. There are 2 different sets of cards that have 12 autographs on them. 3 sets of cards that have 10 autographs on them.
A couple of days ago, I reviewed the Best of 2013 WWE Cards. This is what they need to aspire to. Because right now, TNA and Tri-Star are kicking some serious ass in the card world in comparison to the stuff that WWE and Topps are putting out there for collectors.
Final Say:
This product is one of those that you should not be disappointed with if you do decide to purchase a box. I bought a second box just to make sure that the first wasn't a fluke. In the second box, I got the complete set without SPs again. 2 Base Set Gold Parallel Cards #/50, a SP Base set card of Bully Ray, a Silver Shirt Piece of Sting #/199. 2 Blue Autographs #/25 of Hernandez and Velvet Sky. And a Rainbow Dual Autograph #1/1 of Gail Kim and Mickie James. Right now these boxes are running between $60 and $70. If you like value for your money, these boxes are up your alley.
Box Value: 4.5 out of 5